
C++ std::function

Often times, C++ libraries will use lambdas and other callbacks in their APIs. For GCC and Clang the memory layout and functionality of lambdas is simple enough as to be workable from JavaScript. For MSVC (Windows), the proper solution is not known by the author at this time.

std::function compiled by GCC

The memory layout of a general std::function looks like this:

struct StdFunctionData {
    // bound function and bound variables

struct StdFunction {
    StdFunctionData* callback_data_,
    void* userdata_,
    (void*)(StdFunction* dst, StdFunction* src, uint32_t op) operation_callback_,
    (void*)(StdFunction* self, void* param0, void* param1) call_dispatch_callback_,

The callback_data_ will hold the bound function of a lambda, that is the function that will be called with both the outside and bound parameters of the lambda.

If a lambda binds a single variable that is at most a pointer in size, it will be stored in the userdata_. Otherwise, the variables get stored in the callback_data_ struct.

The two functions in the struct are the operation callback and the call dispatcher callback. The operation callback is always called with two pointers pointing to lambdas of this type. The third parameter defines what sort of operation is being performed. The operation code 2 defines a copy / move / replace command, where src is replacing dst. The operation code 3 defines a deletion, in which case dst and src are the same. Presumably operation code 1 would indicate a creation but that cannot be seen with JavaScript created lambdas since the "creation" happens on the JavaScript side.

The call dispatch callback is the function that is called by the std::function's call operator method. It is called with all pointer type parameters. If the call operator itself is called with a pointer parameter, then that pointer will be passed on as a parameter to the dispatch callback as is. If the call operator is called with plain values, such as numbers, then the dispatch callback is called with pointers to those values. The dispatch function's mission is then to join the passed-in parameters with any lambda bound parameters, and call the function held in callback_data_ with all these parameters together.

For a Deno FFI created C++ lambda, we do not need a separate internal function and the dispatch function. Instead, the userdata_ can be used to hold a number key that then on JavaScript side is used to select a JavaScript callback from a Map<number, Function> that is then called with the parameters extracted from the pointers passed into the dispatch function.

As a result, a GCC / Clang semi-compliant C++ lambda for Deno FFI would look something like this:

const CB_MAP = new Map<number, (p0: Deno.PointerValue, p1: number)>();

const DISPATCH_CALLBACK = new Deno.UnsafeCallback({
    parameters: ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer"], // self and two parameters
    result: "void",
}, (self, p0, p1) => {
    const key = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(self).getUint64(8); // hop over the `callback_data_` to read `userdata_`
    const cb = CB_MAP.get(key)!;
    cb(p0, new Deno.UnsafePointerView(p1).getUint32()); // pointer param is passed as-is, numbers are references

const OPERATION_CALLBACK = new Deno.UnsafeCallback({
    parameters: ["pointer", "pointer", "u32"],
    result: "void",
}, (dst, src, op) => {
    if (op === 2) {
        // TODO: copy key from src to dst

const LAMBDA = new Uint64Array(4);

A new lambda is created by adding a callback function to the CB_MAP with a new key, setting that key to LAMBDA[1] and using the LAMBDA as a "buffer" parameter (use a dedicated Uint8Array view for best performance).

std::function compiled by MSVC

The MSVC std::function is double the size of that in GCC and Clang, that is instead of 4 bytes it is 8 bytes. The author does not at this moment know what the different slots in that exactly do, except that most of the slots are indeed user data slots.