

On a generic PC, the baseline performance of Deno FFI calls can be roughly said to be between 100's of nanoseconds and less than 10 nanoseconds depending on the call path taken. FFI calls can either go through the generic V8 binding layer or the V8 Fast API call path. In the generic layer the inherent overhead and generic nature of the binding puts the baseline performance to around 100 or 150 nanoseconds. In the V8 Fast API call path the calls are tailored for each FFI symbol individually, meaning that call performance improves to a baseline of less than 10 nanoseconds per call.

The V8 Fast API call path has restrictions, is not available unconditionally, and depends on both the declared parameter types of the symbol in question and the parameters passed to call said symbol. That being said, all of Deno FFI's currently supported call parameters and return types with the exception of structs ({ struct: [...] }) are either directly supported by the V8 Fast API, or Deno internally adapts the calls so that Fast API support can be achieved.

Thus, most FFI symbol calls that are not marked nonblocking or with the callback flag can use the V8 Fast API but whether or not that is done depends on two things:

  1. Parameters passed to call the symbol.
  2. V8's internal logic on when it decides to optimise the calling code.

Slow call (generic binding) performance

Since the generic binding function is by necessity generic, it needs to iterate over the parameters of the FFI call. This means that for each additional parameter, the slow call performance takes a little bit longer.

An example would be that a slow call that takes one 64-bit integer parameter takes around 150 nanoseconds per call when called using a BigInt parameter, which forces the slow call path to be utilised. A slow call that takes 26 parameters takes around 650 nanoseconds. This means that a single parameter iteration takes perhaps around 20 nanoseconds.

Fast call performance

The V8 Fast API call path offers the absolute best that V8 can offer. When the JavaScript code is optimised, the Fast API calls can be taken into use in place of the generic bindings if the optimised code matches the call types of the declared Fast API call. In this case the JIT-compiled, optimised JS code will in call directly into the C API layer, though with a very thin Fast API trampoline function included to drop the Fast API receiver object and perform possible type conversions.

The performance of these calls is often below 10 nanoseconds per call and does not have a direct linear increase in call time with increased number of parameters. An increase will still be seen as number of parameters increases, but the relationship will be somewhat non-linear.

Nonblocking call performance

Nonblocking calls cannot currently be made using Fast API. As a result, they use the generic binding function path. Additionally, the spawning of a new thread takes some time and as a result all nonblocking calls can be expected to take at least 150 nanoseconds. As a result, one should be careful of not needlessly using nonblocking calls to "improve performance" with multithreading: If the work your calls do is less than 150 nanoseconds you will only make the direct call performance worse by using nonblocking calls.

Example performance results:

The following table gives example performance results of calling native library symbols that either only take a single parameter of a type, or return a static value of the type. The performance results should give a basic idea of what sort of baseline performance one can expect of a native library symbol call with these kind of simple signatures.

Operation Slow call performance Fast call performance
No-op 46 ns 6 ns
Param: number / bool 83-105 ns [2] 6 ns
Param: bigint 95 ns N/A (deoptimises)
Param: Uint8Array 120 ns 7 ns
Param: ArrayBuffer / XArray [1] 120 ns N/A (deoptimises)
Return: bool, float, <32bit integer 43-88 ns [3] 6 ns
Return: 64-bit unsigned integer 66-75 ns [4] 8-13 ns [4]
Return: 64-bit signed integer 88-109 ns [4] 22-43 ns [4]
Return: pointer 65 ns 6 ns

[1] XArray is for any TypedArray other than Uint8Array.
[2] The range in slow call parameter performance for numbers and booleans is due to the varying performance of the V8 APIs that are used to extract the data from the JavaScript value.
[3] The range in slow call return performance for numbers and booleans, excepting 64-bit integers, is caused by the varying performance of the V8 APIs that are used to create the JavaScript return values.
[4] The range in 64-bit integer return performance is caused by Deno's varying return type: If the integer can be safely represented as a JavaScript number, it will be returned as a number at a higher performance. Unsafe integers will be returned as BigInts at a measurable cost in performance. Additionally, an internal optimisation is used for unsigned integer returning that improves their performance compared to signed integers.