

FFI supports pointers in three flavours:

  1. Buffers
  2. Pointer objects
  3. Null pointers

The reason for the two-way split between buffers and pointer objects is based on V8's Fast API's limitations. Null pointers are mentioned here separately since system level languages often consider null pointers to be a special case that is assignable to pointer-like types but isn't itself a valid pointer.

Passing a pointer into an FFI call does nothing to the memory that the pointer points to, at least directly, nor does it keep the memory from being garbage collected if it is or points to a JavaScript allocated buffer. There is no passing of ownership directly implied by a pointer parameter, and whether or not ownership (ie. responsibility to trigger deallocation) remains with the JavaScript side or is transferred to the native library side is entirely dependent on the native library and its expectations for the API.

FFI offers no checks nor validation of whether the pointer is actually valid for the call or not. eg. It is possible to pass a buffer of size 0 as any pointer parameter, completely irrespective of the expected size of the memory the pointer should refer to.

When used as return values of FFI symbols (or parameters for Deno.UnsafeCallback) the three pointer types "pointer", "buffer", and "function" are entirely equivalent: They can only be thought of being different in terms of documentation at best. Any FFI symbol returning one of these will return either null or a pointer object, depending on if the pointer is a null pointer or not. Likewise, a Deno.UnsafeCallback with pointer type parameters will always call the JavaScript callback with either null or a pointer object.


A "buffer" type parameter can be thought of as being "JavaScript (V8 engine) owned memory". If your dynamic library's API requires the caller to allocate memory and pass a pointer to said memory into the dynamic library then you likely want to use "buffer" as the parameter type for that pointer. One common use case for "buffer" is to pass strings from Deno to dynamic libraries.

Any ArrayBuffer or TypedArray (Uint8Array etc.) created in JavaScript can be passed as a "buffer" type parameter to an FFI symbol. It is preferable to use Uint8Array as your API type of choice. Due to limitations of V8's Fast API Deno FFI needs to choose one buffer type to optimise over all others and Uint8Array is the one we've chosen.

It is also possible to get a pointer object from a buffer using the Deno.UnsafePointer.of() static method (requires FFI permissions) for passing it as a "pointer" type parameter. Similarly, it is possible to do the reverse using Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer(pointer, length) (Warning: Set length to a non-zero value, zero length buffers are interpreted as null-pointers in certain V8 APIs including the Fast API thanks to a V8 bug).

Passing the buffer directly or passing the pointer object of the buffer is 100% equal in function from the native library point of view, the only difference is in what parameter type the Deno FFI symbol can be called with.

Note that it is much quicker to get the pointer object of a buffer using Deno.UnsafePointer.of() than creating an ArrayBuffer from a pointer using Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer(). As such, if you have a symbol that will be called with both external pointers and owned buffers, it may be better to define it as taking a "pointer" parameter.

Passing in a too-small buffer as a pointer parameter will likely lead to undefined behaviour and can not be recommended in any circumstances. Note though that a zero-length buffer subarray may be useful to signify the end pointer of an iterator.

Pointer objects

Starting with Deno 1.31.0, all non-null pointers are represented using an opaque objects, here called "pointer object" but in V8 engine terms these are External objects. These objects look like plain JavaScript objects with a few exceptions:

  1. They have a null prototype, ie. they have no prototype methods such as hasOwnProperty.
  2. They are not extensibe, ie. their prototype cannot be changed and they cannot be assigned to.

Generally pointer objects are received from FFI symbol calls that return pointers, or created from buffers using the Deno.UnsafePointer.of() call.

However, sometimes there is a need for FFI libraries to create a pointer from a pointer value that they receive eg. inside a buffer or through a pointer. For reading a pointer from through another pointer the Deno.UnsafePointerView#getPointer method can be used.

const pointer = lib.symbols.get_pointer();
const otherPointer = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(pointer).getPointer(offset);

When a pointer must be extracted from a buffer it means that a 64-bit integer must be read from the buffer and then a pointer created from that number. This can be done using the Deno.UnsafePointer.create() API.

const buffer = new Uint8Array(8);
const otherPointer = Deno.UnsafePointer.create(
  new BigUint64Array(buffer.buffer)[0],

However, note that this is really dangerous! There is nothing stopping anyone from creating pointers with made-up numbers and calling a foreign library with those made-up pointers (see Security for more information on pointer creation).

Null pointers

Starting with Deno 1.31.0, all null pointers (not null buffers) are represented using JavaScripts native null. The V8 Fast API also supports null to stand for null pointers for the "pointer" parameter type but not for "buffer".

For V8 Fast API support with "buffer" parameters it is possible to create a null pointer buffer using new Uint8Array() as V8 always creates a null pointer backed buffer when the buffer's length is 0. However, it is best to create this buffer once and reuse it as V8 currently has a bug where creating an empty buffer "inline" and calling a Fast API optimised function with it will result in the Fast API call seeing a non-null pointer value in the buffer.


// Good way to create a null buffer ahead of time:
const NULL = new Uint8Array();

// Bad way to create a null buffer inline, this doesn't work properly:
lib.symbols.call_with_buffer(new Uint8Array());

The call_with_buffer() call here is susceptible to the V8 bug.

Fast API support

Starting with Deno 1.31.0, Deno offers full support for pointers as both parameters and return values using null for null pointer and pointer objects for non-null pointers.

Previously Deno FFI offered limited support for 64-bit pointer numbers as parameters and full support as return values (see 64-bit integers for details). Even earlier, Deno versions 1.24.2 and 1.24.3 preferred Uint8Array buffers for the Fast API path. In versions after 1.24.3 this changed with the introduction of the "buffer" FFI type which split the pointer support to pointer numbers and pointer buffers.

That change was partially caused by V8's Fast API not supporting type overloads between 64-bit integers and TypedArrays. Because of this, Deno must choose what type it prefers on the fast path and what it knocks down onto the slow path. The choice is then obvious to have different parameter types for the two cases.

Let's recap.

Before 1.24.2

Pointers were always represented by BigInt values. No fast path support for pointer values existed.

1.24.2, 1.24.3

In 1.24.2 pointers became represented by numbers or BigInts depending on the numerical value of the pointer. This made it possible to support plain number pointer integers on the fast path, but the choice was made to prefer Uint8Arrays. Fast path support for returning 64-bit numbers, including pointers, was also added.

Passing pointer parameters as Uint8Arrays is the optimal call strategy. Returning pointers on the fast path works.


Pointer parameter types split further to "buffer" and "pointer".

Passing "buffer" type pointer parameters as Uint8Arrays, and "pointer" type pointer parameters as numbers is the optimal call strategy. Returning pointers, whether as type "buffer" or "pointer", still always return as numbers or BigInts depending on the numerical value of the pointer.


Representation of pointers changed from pointer numbers into pointer objects and null. The "pointer" type parameters can now only be pointer objects or null, both of which are supported by the V8 Fast API and are thus optimal in call strategy.

Returning a "pointer", "buffer", or "function" always returns either a pointer object or null.

Concurrent access and data races

Whenever an ArrayBuffer or TypedArray is sent to a native library through an FFI call, whether that call be nonblocking or synchronous, the buffer's memory becomes accessible to the native library for as long as it holds the pointer.

For synchronous calls where the native library does not save the pointer, there is no issue. For nonblocking calls the FFI user should make sure to not read or write into the buffer before the call's Promise resolves. For cases where the native library saves the pointer for some indeterminate time, the FFI user needs to manually ensure that the buffer isn't being used concurrently. Otherwise data races are guaranteed to occur.

Also note that passing the buffer as a parameter to asynchronous Deno namespace APIs like Deno.read also counts as concurrently using the buffer. This means that while the API call is happening, you should not attempt to read from or write into the buffer. This is true even when FFI is not used. Even moreso, if you've passed a buffer to FFI then you shouldn't use it as a parameter for any Deno namespace APIs or for any built-in Web APIs either.

Doing anything with the buffer from JS while it's being held by the FFI side is sus at best.

Andreu Botella

There is also a way to cause data races with the FFI APIs without calling into native code. The Deno.UnsafePointer.of() API gives a way to get a pointer from a JavaScript created buffer. Then, the Deno.UnsafePointerView.getArrayBuffer() API (static or instance method) allows for an ArrayBuffer to be created from a pointer value, where the buffer is backed by the pointer's memory and not merely a copy of it. Combined, these two APIs make it possible to send pointers to normal buffers to a Worker thread and get concurrent access to the buffer's memory. This can probably allow for all sorts of wacky things, all of which are better done using SharedArrayBuffer. Doing this also breaks buffer related assumptions on the V8 engine level, and as such is sure to lead to undefined behaviour. Do not do this. And when you do, send play-by-play documents of what sort of wacky weirdness you find so I can enjoy it as well.

Dangling pointers

Concurrent access to buffers is "sus at best" but not doing anything with a buffer is also a recipe for disaster by way of dangling pointers.

Before Deno 1.31 it was possible to create dangling pointers when a pointer object created from a buffer was used as a parameter without ensuring that the buffer did not get garbage collected. Since Deno 1.31 this is no longer an issue as the pointer object is used as a key in a WeakMap that keeps the buffer alive for as long as the pointer object is alive.

It is still possible to cause dangling pointers if you pass a buffer to a dynamic library and that library holds the pointer while you do not make sure that the buffer stays alive. Here's an example:

// ffi.ts
const STATIC_BUFFER = new Uint32Array(2);


export const callWithStaticBuffer = (pointer: Deno.PointerValue) => {

Looks simple enough: A buffer containing two 32-bit numbers is created and registered into a dynamic library using the register_buffer call. Then some other API call_pointer_with_implied_u32x2 is called that would presumably internally use the STATIC_BUFFER's memory somehow.

The issue is that the STATIC_BUFFER is only used once from a JavaScript point of view, and once the call to register_buffer ends it is no longer used.

This will lead to undefined behaviour. The reason is simple: V8 will garbage collect the STATIC_BUFFER after the register_buffer call has been completed as it can tell that no one will ever access the buffer again. The memory will get reused and call_pointer_with_u32x2 will find random data behind the second pointer it has been given.

A possible fix might be to export the STATIC_BUFFER. Alternatively, assign the STATIC_BUFFER to an object that is then exported. Even if the STATIC_BUFFER is assigned using into a Symbol or #private so that the buffer isn't really accessible to code outside the ffi.ts it is still probably enough to keep the buffer from being garbage collected.